Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Sitting here listening to Fireflies by Owl City and watching nature move on with it's cycle in front of me. It's amazingly beautiful how everything has it's own way of moving on. I am at the end of my fall semester at Weatherford College and I am about to throw myself into another study filled 4 months at this winter breaks end. I am learning to love vegetables. One day I will be vegetarian the right way and not get sick. I've come to realize that in my opinion there is no definition of perfect. I believe that we all strive to find some sort of acceptance and self peace. This is perfection, we all create our own perfect and it is all dependent on what we throw on our canvas. This is the beauty of it all to me. We are always evolving and I'd like to keep it that way. I can smell my incense burning in my room and I can hear my cat snoring next to me. I would never change a second of my life because it has opened my heart and my mind to so many wonders with each day I awake.
I miss my family in California. My sisters and brother inspire me to think about the good in life. My parents inspire me to always think about my actions and to do what is right for me. My pets inspire me to cheer up when things too stressful. Mitchell inspires me to find that balance that opens up my inner peace.
I have so much to be grateful for. So here is my list.
I am grateful for my car, it might not be the best but it gets me where I need to go.
I am grateful for my family, they will always be here for me and I have learned that more time should be spent with them.
I am grateful for Mitchell, he has taught me so much and I truly do love him.
I am grateful for my friends, they have put me through so much but all in all it has helped me discover myself.
I am grateful for the life I have been blessed with and will always cherish it.
I am grateful for music, it helps me get things done and creates that perfect little escape.

Well there it is. I need to go clean my room and get rid of some more clutter.
I leave with these words, live the way you feel life should be. Keep family close. Strive for that inner peace, it's more rewarding than any trophy or piece of chocolate.